Venture Heat Deluxe Jacket Liner a heater for your bike!

Venture Heat Deluxe Jacket Liner a heater for your bike!
October 30, 2019 Scott Weekes
In Uncategorized

Everyone who rides a motorbike needs to have one! A simple little piece of clothing that will keep you on the bike all year round in luxurious warmth that will make your friends jealous and your pillion happy. ‘Happy pillion happy life’ I believe that’s how it goes? Even If you’re just out on the weekend during those sunny days. It’s a good idea! Or riding those cold winter morning doing the daily lane split between stationary cars going nowhere getting frustrated with you, wishing they could be you getting to work with time to spare. It’s a great idea! 


If you haven’t tried a 12V Jacket liner from Venture Heat you will just not quite understand what you’re missing out on until you do. When customers visit us and try one on for the first time the immediate warmth felt through the sleeves, chest, back and the collar is a light bulb moment as the big smile slowly appearing on their face knowing they are not going to endure cold winter days anymore. Combined with a windproof waterproof jacket you’re riding with an electric blanket wrapped snugly against your body. The only complaint I here form guests that try the jacket on is they wish they had heard about it years ago.


The heating elements are made from carbon fibre allowing the jacket to be folded and stuffed in on itself to become the size of a small clutch handbag and safely tucked away allowing you to de-layer and if the condition change is easily put on and connect to the bike. The slim design and form-fitting construction allow you to wear the jacket liner underneath your regular riding jacket or you even replace one of your existing thermal liners. A huge benefit of the Jacket Liner is the ability to remove the many layers you may normally wear. Freeing yourself on the bike by just needing a T-shirt, the Venture Heat Deluxe GT40 Jacket Liner and your riding jacket and regulate your warmth with the 3 different heat settings with just the touch of a button. A nice innovation of the jacket also features a wireless remote which can be attached to your handlebars so you can control the heat without ever having to take your eyes off of the road. 

Trying to predict the weather that you are going to be riding in can be one of the hardest tasks for any rider, especially in our country, so having the ability to adjust your body temperature as you ride is a huge benefit for any tourer, adventure rider or commuter.

The added value with the Jacket Liner will become apparent when it means you can comfortably get your bike out the garage, all year round and leave the car at home. When it gets really cold the Jacket easily connects to the Venture Heat’s range of heated gloves with the existing cables concealed in the sleeves of the liner or add the heated pants all on the same single battery harness connected to the bike’s battery. As the 12V Jacket Liners are powered by the existing battery and has 3 times the elements of other standard heated jackets and will provide warmth as long as you’re on the road. 

Keep the Adventure Going!